A trans Pavilion

From 2006 – 2011 , the A trans Pavilion located in courtyard III of the Hackesche Höfe showed an exhibition program transcending individual disciplines to present innovative strategies for and interventions into urban space and perception of urban space.
With determination in her search for allies and like–minded individuals, architect and curator Isolde Nagel designed a program for those who value artistic–architectonic visions and attentiveness to social questions.
The pavilion provided a forum for international artists, architects, designers and scientists. It was both an art space and exhibition venue as well as a think tank for investigating cultural paradigms, contemporary lifestyles, and new experimental tendencies as related to urban practices and identities.

2011 A serendipi(ci)ty

2010 A holi–city (A holistic–city)

2009 A simpli–city

2008 A intimac(it)y

2007 A synchroni–city

2006 A transparenc(it)y