A TRANS feat. Vagaram Choudhary | Nook


10.8. — 1.9.2019   |   Open Hours permanently



Vitrine at U- Bahnhof Kleistpark, 10834 Berlin




Something stirs in every nook of the city, which we feel in some way. This wave is the inlying point of the human being, which creates a new energy every moment.
There is a lot of prospect and belief. That hold to each other, I think it can be matched by only one color. That is .. pink


Vagaram Choudhary (*1979) studied art and film in Jodhpur (Rajasthan) and Mumbai /Indien. Working as an artist and curator in a large array of mediums, like drawing, painting, film and urban art, he takes part in many exhibitions and residence programs in India and worldwide.

In 2009 he founded sowing seeds- Kaman art foundationand developed an art residency program on the countryside of Jodhpur for international artists.



Saturday, August 10, 2019 at 7 PM



Isolde Nagel, A TRANS

The artist is present.


For further information

Blog: http://vagaram.blogspot.com/